Self-Respect by Jandro Cisneros
Adiós Resentimientos (Goodbye Resentments) by Jandro Cisneros
The Pillars by Jandro & Cristina
Jandro & Cristina (formerly “The Pillars”) is an award-winning musical duo and family from Mexico and Italy, performing in the US and internationally. Their work has been acclaimed by the United Nations at their Global Voices Film Festival 2021, by the national press in Mexico, and heard in a Vatican-produced featured documentary, promoted on Italian national television. Their unique sound is a blend of Pop, Soul, Latin grooves, and World Beat, while they write inspiring lyrics in English, Spanish, and Italian.
Their mission, grounded in their faith in God, is to create music and educational content that uplifts the human spirit, raises consciousness about respect, diversity, inclusion, and shares their struggles as immigrants, parents, and artists in a foreign land.
Both artists are Berklee College of Music Professors, and believe in the power of mentoring young minds to be the change they want to see in the world. They’re currently working on new original material to continue their vision of bringing inspiring songs, conferences, and masterclasses as artists and Berklee College of Music Professors, to stages in the US and internationally.”
Jandro and Cristina are also the former founders of The Pillars Productions, LLC, a production company created to offer inspiring music and video content to an exclusive clientele of Grammy winner artists such as Dave Liebman, Susan Rogers, Javier Limón, the Mexican Consulate in Boston, Berklee College of Music, and many other artists and organizations. As they believe in the power of music to inspire audiences around the world, their mission as a band is to educate, entertain and elevate their listeners.


Infobaja – Encuentran “Libertad” en los tiempos difíciles
Por Hugo Fernández Sánchez Tijuana.- El compositor y productor de música Alejandro Cisneros, un nativo de Monterrey a quien en el terreno profesional se le conoce como Jandro, reside en Boston desde hace algunos años y es en esta ciudad donde se ha forjado en su vida profesional y personal. Ahí se graduó de Berklee […]

Reforma – Jandro & Cristina enamorados por la música
Por Fernanda Palacios Jandro & Cristina compusieron su nuevo sencillo, “Libertà, Liber- tad!”, con la intención de ayudar- se a sobrellevar la situación ac- tual, abrumados por la cuaren- tena que pausó su música y los alejó de sus familias. “Estábamos sufriendo mu- cho esta pandemia y escribir es- ta canción fue como una terapia […]

Estilo DF – Dan Prioridad Al Mensaje, Más Que Al Negocio
La música realiza un gran trabajo al ocultar el esfuerzo que implica llegar a un estilo que defina en su totalidad al autor. Este es el camino por el que ha pasado Jandro Cisneros en los últimos 11 años.
L’idea Magazine – Una Canzone Di Speranza Da Boston
Cosa faresti in quarantena negli Stati Uniti durante la pandemia del corona virus, sapendo di non poter volare oltreoceano per presentare tua figlia appena nata al resto della tua famiglia? Se sei un italiano, sicuramente avrai un’idea originale in mente, e se sei una multi-premiata cantante puoi mandare una canzone alla tua nazione. Cristina Vaira […]

La Jornada – Jandro y Cristina lanzan Libertà, Libertad!, tema bicultural
Juan Ibarra Periódico La Jornada Viernes 12 de junio de 2020, p. 8 Jandro y Cristina son un proyecto musical que también es una familia, formada por un mexicano y una italiana que estudiaron en Estados Unidos y desde hace algunos años radican en ese país con sus hijos. Aunque tienen carreras independientes, esta no […]

Crónica – Jandro y Cristina usan la música para liberarse en la pandemia
Por Mafer Rodriguez El dúo italo-mexicano presenta su nuevo tema “Libertà, Libertad!”, acompañado de un videoclip Jandro Cisneros es un joven productor, compositor y multi-instrumentista mexicano que se ha abierto un prometedor camino en Estados Unidos. Su sencillo “Self-Respect” de 2019 le valió un galardón como Artista en Residencia para UR2. Global mientras que Cristina […]

Diario de México – Jandro & Cristina: Crean su Lego musical en ‘Libertà, Libertad!’
Por Carlos Meraz Jandro Cisneros concibe el proceso de la composición de una canción, junto con su mancuerna y esposa Cristina Vaira, como una expresión lúdica similar al armado de un Lego, el famoso juego creativo donde construye una idea musical como si fuera el juguete danés de bloques de plástico. Bajo esa concepción, su […]

El Gráfico del Universal – Una canción de Esperanza para la Pandemia
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, junio 6 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La esperanza de volver a ver a la familia reunida, fue el motivo para que el cantautor Jandro Cisneros y su esposa Cristina dieran vida al sencillo “Libertà, Libertad”, que tiene como objetivo, ver la pandemia desde un punto de vista optimista y humanista. Él es de Monterrey, […]

Segrate In Folio: “The Voice of Cristina returns emotions”
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Notorious Personality: The Segratese, living in United States, sings the main theme song of the soundtrack of the movie The wonderful voice of makes people talk about her. The young Segratese singer, who has graduated from Berklee College of Music and is living in Boston, interprets the main theme song of the soundtrack […]

Bostoniano: “Musical Pillars”
Bostoniano is a news website and print magazine based in Boston focused on Italian heritage and culture. One of the most popular websites of its kind, Bostoniano reaches tens of thousands of readers each year and boasts thousands of subscribers to its print edition.

Bostoniano: The Pillars Joins Growing Italian Music Scene in Boston
Bostoniano, Nicola Orichuia, 07/10/14. Boston’s latest Italy-inspired musical project, , made its debut on Headed by the powerful and sensual vocals of Milan-native singer-songwriter — both Berklee College of Music alumni — the project’s mission is to create musical and filmic contents that uplift people’s lives, based on the proverb: “If you want to […]

Bostoniano: Creative Pillars
Bostoniano, By Nicola Orichuia, 6/30/14 Bostoniano is a news website and print magazine based in Boston focused on Italian heritage and culture. One of the most popular websites of its kind, Bostoniano reaches tens of thousands of readers each year and boasts thousands of subscribers to its print edition.

In Folio: Cristina e la sua band “The Pillars” celebrano la cultura Italiana in USA
“Cristina and her band celebrate the Italian culture in USA” In Folio Magazine, 6/18/14 ENGLISH TRANSLATION Music: The talented Vaira from Segrate is invited at the Dante Alighieri Society on the occasion of the 100 year anniversary on June 21st She is a talent from Segrate, who is opening her way to the American music […]

Segrate Oggi: The Voice of Segrate fa impazzire gli USA
SEGRATE OGGI Musica: Cristina Vaira will sing in Massachusetts on Saturday to celebrate the 100 year of Italian cultural promotion in US. The Voice of Segrate thrills Usa By Segrate Oggi Editorial ENGLISH TRANSLATION One year ago, we left her few days before her concerts “Revolution of Love” and now we found her again close to […]